How to contact the Permata call center: Mocipay

Customers need to know more about the Permata call center

The Gem call center is certainly very useful when used by customers. Indeed, regulations in the banking world are not as simple as we imagine. When someone has not had difficulties in the banking world for so long, confusion inevitably arises in various aspects. It is not a good decision if confusion is considered in mind.

After all, confusing self-perception will not solve the problem. Even the search on the Internet is not fully answered. Under these conditions, the best way to do this is to contact the call center. If you contact the call center, they will get a detailed answer permanently.

But now, most customers don’t always know the right time to contact the call center. Don’t just contact the GEM call center when you have a problem. There are several banking services provided by CS so you can contact them when you need these services.

Several services available at its call center

The customer complaint service is the first feature on permata calls. This is the most common type of service in a call center. Most people even consider this to be the only benefit of PermataTel’s existence. The complaints that can be discussed independently are diverse. The complaint is first about the lack of money.

If you think money has disappeared from the balance, contact the permata call center for more needs. PermataTel can also be contacted if you have any questions regarding the various services provided by Permata. By questioning on the phone, the time has come to cut the bank.

You can also contact this call center if you have various problems with the ATM card, such as the missing value or the value. In such a case, CS will block your ATM card to reduce the possibility of the card being used by irresponsible people.

Permata call centers can also be used when you want to get general information at the banquet. The initial search information relates to the balance. Just by answering a few questions, your account balance will be mentioned. In addition to the balance, the amount of the last transaction will also be mentioned.

Some product information can also be found if you have contacted it. Gem itself actually has a lot of product service. These product services include the economy and credit cards. In addition, there are also services of non-common products such as current accounts, loans, in storage.

If you are in a new city and are not very familiar with the city, also contact the  permata call center. When you contact him, you can find the nearest Permata branch, which makes it easier for you to deliver. CS will also respond when you ask for the latest exchange rate.

The call center also serves transactions

In addition to providing a variety of information, the call center can also serve various transactions. One of the most common transactions that can be made through PermataTel is transfers. The transfer itself is not only carried out to the country’s first banks abroad. The transfer can also be made to another bank.

In fact, the permata call center also provides a function for transferring digital wallets such as OVO and DANA. Payment for certain invoices and purchases can also be made at the call center. One of the most common payments at PermataTel is payment by credit card. In doing so, two data must be prepared.

The first data is account data and the second is credit card data. Account data is used as the part that will be paid while credit card data is used as an invoice to be paid. Some payments are also in this call center. The payments themselves are like FIF and ACC.

In fact, other types of financial payments can also be paid. But make sure the funding is official funding in Indonesia. If it is not official, PermataTel cannot provide a direct payment function to finance. For this type of financing, CS will suggest transactions in the form of regular transfers.

Some invoices can actually be paid via PermataTel. The law itself is very varied as PAM in Telkom. In fact, bills ranging from education fees to electricity can also be made at the call center. When you pay the bill, make sure that the requested data is correctly requested. If this is not fair, it may be that the payment is the same wrong goal.

This makes your money spend by even paying the bill. In the end, the existence of a call center will also help to buy several things. That of electronic hammering. However, make sure that the entry number is correct. In addition, Permata Tel will also help with currency purchases.

How to contact the Permata call center

Contacting the call center itself is not a difficult problem. Anyone can certainly contact him to contact him. To contact PermataTel, there are different numbers when you are at home and abroad. This is because there are different costs that have to be incurred. If you are abroad, the fare used is interlocal.

If you contact domestic, there are three options depending on the type of service you have. The three types of options include PermataTel, Priority Banking and Prefered Banking. PermataTel is the most common type as it can be used by anyone. However, priority banking and pre-creation services are only for certain people.

Bank priority is only for customers who have met the criteria and are included in the priority category. When it comes to preferred banking services, those who can contact him are just customers with premium services. If you wish to contact the Tel Permata call center , you can call 1500-111. For services to the main banking priorities, you can contact 1500-100.

As for preferred banking services, you can call 1500-110. The number is certainly different when the communication has to be made from abroad. But the division is always the same. Contacts abroad should also see if they are using permataTel, Priority Bank or Prefered Banking.

For permataTel, the overseas water number is +6221-1500-111. For the priority banks themselves, the overseas water supply number is +621-1,500-100. Finally, the preferred bank number abroad is +6221-1500-110. You can call all these numbers for free for 24 hours. With it, the problem in the wee hours of the morning will also be solved.

Contact is not only by phone

Contact the call center Permata can not be done only by phone. There is another way if you do not have electronic credit in stock. The first way to do this is by email.

Permata Bank itself has an official courier service at the address When you contact him, you will get an answer for free. However, the waiting time for email communication is obviously slower than using the phone directly.

If you want it to be simpler, you can also contact him via social media. Permata Bank’s official social media can be found on Twitter with @PermataCare account. On Twitter, you can contact the account via a direct message (DM) or by mentioning questions to the account.

You don’t need to go wrong because you don’t use call centers when you face obstacles in the banking world. It would obviously be an unpleasant experience to consider contacting the call center yourself is not really a difficult problem. Therefore, make sure to save the call center contact  on the phone.

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